David Isley - Humboldt Studio Sessions

My good friend, David Isley, has provided me some of his recent studio session recordings, and I am honored to post them here for you to enjoy with his permission.  I could wax on about David's musical talents, and the many instruments and styles of music he plays, but I think the music speaks for itself.


5 responses
I have listened to these twice now! Very nice! Thank you so much for posting these! If you are a friend of David you are a friend of mine! These songs sound great!
You are welcome, Ken. Glad to cyber-meet you. I also have some original music from a friend of both David's and mine from Columbia, Chris Martinez, in an earlier post, that you can check out if you like.
is there more by David Isley?
Dave Isley is our good friend too! I have the CD and I love it! Dave has a "magical" presence. It is powerful to experience him LIVE! I was so happy to find this post! I'm on my front porch swinging and thinking good thoughts for him right now! He is brilliant and beautiful!